New North County Forum


Here's the opportunity to encourage, equip, engage your passions and execute change with a band of brothers - organizational servant leaders committed to leave their mark for eternity.

We'll Zoom this meeting; meet one another; find a good meeting time, and, if it is God's will and the stars align, launch officially in July. Please feel free to invite at least one other man who, like you, is an organizational servant leader* and you think will benefit from this experience. We need 10 to commit to launch a forum, each man being willing to commit to make 9 of the 11 meetings in the year.

Questions? Please call me. 

I've attached an info sheet for you to pass along to another man whom you think might be interested.

* Organizational servant leader: Military - O-5; O-6 and above, C - suite business; Fire, Police Chief, Mayor/City councilmen; Executive Director of medium to large nonprofit; Head pastor/Executive Pastor medium to large church, as examples. Can be active or retired.