San Diego Leadership Forum Response to Racial Inequity


The tragic and unjust death of George Floyd two weeks ago revealed the deep wounds and legitimate grievances toward prejudice and discrimination across our country.  Americans are rightly unsettled by this problem and the extent of demonstrations around the country underscores the importance of this issue.  

Many in our nation are justifiably feeling a mix of emotions from anger, to sadness, to confusion, or frustration. To make matters more complex, this comes at a time when we are still dealing with a global pandemic, and there are competing narratives vying for our attention daily.

As leaders within our homes, families, work environments, churches, and in our city, we are called to be the example for others to follow. How then do we then lead in times of crisis, strife, uncertainty and unrest? The answer is found in Micah 6:8 - “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

Leaders don’t sit back and observe the problem – they do something about it. We act justly by doing what’s right and leading by example.  We love mercy by taking an active role in preventing injustices like discrimination and unlawful violence.  We walk humbly by honestly evaluating our thoughts, policies, and actions to see if they truly align with our values and what we know to be true. 

The San Diego Leadership Forum’s mission is to enrich organizational servant leaders, by sharing challenges and opportunities in order to transform ourselves and San Diego. 

If there was ever a time of challenge, opportunity, and needed transformation, it is now.

Transformation isn’t a static word. It is a powerful and worthy goal that requires commitment and action, and it begins by first seeking wisdom and understanding. Proverbs 4:7 says “The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.”

So we must start with ourselves. What can we do today to first seek understanding

The San Diego Leadership Forum is committed to using our voice and influence to drive the change and transformation that is long overdue. That change starts with us and therefore, these will be our first actions as an organization committed to racial equality:

  •  We will conduct a review of our board structure, forum leadership, and selection criteria and intentionally strive towards greater racial diversity.

  • · We will seek to develop partnerships with leadership organizations who are supporting and advancing the cause of ethnic minorities.

  • · We will actively seek to include speakers and participants who can bring a depth of understanding to the struggles of racism and injustice in our city and nation.

  • · We will be open to learning, and are asking each of our forum facilitators to have open, transparent, respectful, and hard conversations about racism and injustice in our nation and what we can do to be part of the solution and not the problem. Already Forums are discussing this response and reflecting on practical action steps that they can make.

  • We want to encourage partners to respond with their time, talents and treasures in ways that practically address the needs that now present themselves. 

 As a servant leader, your voice and actions matter – now more than ever.  Walk humbly, love mercy, seek truth, and act justly to bring about meaningful change and real transformation.

The SDLF Board of Directors