Join us for the 9th annual San Diego Leadership Summit
When: June 5th | 7:10am-8:55am (breakfast included)
Networking period starts 6:45am
Where: The Handlery Hotel, Crystal Ball Room
950 Hotel Cir N, San Diego, CA 92108
We are celebrating another exciting year of encouragement, equipping, engaging our passions and executing change in San Diego with San Diego Leadership Forum. Join Garry Ridge (CEO WD-40), Supervisor Bill Horn and the rest of the Leadership Forum partners as we share our experiences as a select group of men who are high influence leaders from all over San Diego, from all walks of life who meet as a support group where we help each other overcome professional, business and personal challenges in a highly confidential forum, all the while San Diego Leadership Forum ( has been an integral part in helping men who are leaders – CEOs, government and civic leaders, and others grow together, expand our legacies and influence others and San Diego for good.
Would you please join us for our celebration breakfast at the Handlery Hotel San Diego in Mission Valley? We will start with networking at 6:45 am and the program will go from 7:10 am to 8:55 am on Tuesday, June 5, 2018. After the program, participants will be invited to hang around and connect with one another. We have a private room where we will honor our 2018 “Servant Leaders”, and hear from one of San Diego’s key servant leaders, Garry Ridge. In addition, this will be an environment to inform potential partners about the opportunities with the Forum. The cost will be $75 which will include breakfast and parking. For more questions, call Matt Booker @ 858.231.9152 or email him at